Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy recently declined a ₹100 crore donation from the Adani Group intended for a Skill University project, explaining that the move was necessary to avoid any perceptions of bias or undue influence on the state government. The donation was part of Adani Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) budget, but the CM emphasized that it was crucial to prevent any controversies that could tarnish both his personal image and the credibility of the government.
In a letter sent by the state’s Special Chief Secretary Jayesh Ranjan to the Adani Group, the government officially communicated its decision not to accept the funds. This rejection came amid ongoing debates surrounding corporate donations and their potential impact on governance. CM Reddy clarified that while the government had not accepted any donations from organizations, including the Adani Group, it had made efforts to secure Income Tax exemptions under Section 80G, which would encourage transparent donations from other entities.
The decision to decline the Adani Group’s donation reflects the government’s commitment to transparency and its desire to avoid external pressures or influence in state affairs. While acknowledging the potential benefits of the donation for the university project, the CM . #RevanthReddy #TelanganaCM gautam adani #Congress