Chennai: On Wednesday, Mahindra unveiled two new electric SUVs: the BE 6e and XEV 9e. Both vehicles are built on the revolutionary electric architecture called INGLO and powered by MAIA.
These electric vehicles reflect Mahindra’s vision for “Unlimit India,” aiming to set new global standards with Indian innovation and design. The BE 6e and XEV 9e offer unique features that distinguish them in the growing EV market.
The BE 6e is designed for adventure lovers, with a sporty look and exceptional performance that pushes boundaries. The XEV 9e, on the other hand, offers unparalleled luxury and refined elegance.
Veejay Nakra, President of the Automotive Sector at Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. and Joint Managing Director at Mahindra Electric, said, “Our electric SUVs, BE 6e and XEV 9e, go beyond being just vehicles. They inspire customers to embrace a life without limits, filled with experiences that make them feel truly alive. Designed to push boundaries, these SUVs offer exceptional performance and cutting-edge technology. As a result, they empower drivers to live freely. With these innovative solutions, we are not only transforming the automotive landscape but also shaping the future of mobility.”
R. Velusamy, President of Automotive Product Development, added, “The BE 6e and XEV 9e will be iconic symbols of India’s electric vehicle future, setting global benchmarks.”
The BE 6e starts at ₹18.90 lakh (ex-showroom), while the XEV 9e is priced at ₹21.90 lakh (ex-showroom). These competitive prices aim to make cutting-edge electric vehicles more accessible to a wider audience.
For more information, visit the official Mahindra Electric website or read the latest news on The Hans Bharat.